Thursday, July 30, 2009

Regarding C-section?


I am 36 weeks of pregnant. This is my 2nd pregnancy. First time I had C-section. This time my doctor is pushing me for C-section saying that as I had C-section first time, it must be done this time also, the incision might rupture. But I am not interested at all to have C-section. I like to try normal delivery. I like to know is it must to go for C-section if you had it before.

Regarding C-section?
its not a must but its hard to find a doc who will do a VBAC. which is disappointing to me, i just had my baby almost 2 months ago and i had an emergncy c section. i was hoping for a vaginal birth in the future but i was told its not likely :(
Reply:You should have changed Doctors long ago because if he is already pushing rest assured you will get a C-section. Many women have normal vaginal deliveries after C-sections. Dr.s do not want to take time out of their lives/schedules to wait on a normal delivery. Yes, some are required but not most.
Reply:Make sure he gives you EXACT reasons on why he thinks you shoudl have a c-section again. If you are fairly young and healed quickly, there's no reason why you should be forced to have another section.

It's called a VBAC (vaginal birth after delivery) and many woman have done it. Let your doctor know that you want to try a VBAC and although there is a risk of rupturing the incision, you should be able to do it just fine.
Reply:I know someone who has had 4 kids, first two csection and the last two natural. And she said that it was better to go natural.
Reply:pls anser my ques and send that ques 2 whoever can help thank;...
Reply:I say try first, then if u can't then go for the c-section. I know women that had a c-section and then a Vaginal birth. GOOD LUCK!!!!
Reply:I needed a c-section after 16 hours of labor. The second time was an emergency c-section. My doctor and I discussed the options and a VBAC was allowed. I just didn't progress well the second time though and my daughter's heart beat was going nuts.

Anyway, you need to talk with your doc and find out why they're pushing for another c-section. From what I remember, some states will only do c-sections after one has already been done. I was fortunate enough to live in one where VBAC's are allowed.

Good luck and best wishes!!
Reply:I Had a c-section with my daughter because she was not coming out after 2 hours of pushing and then her vitals started to drop. When I got pregnant with my son, I wanted to have a VBAC and at the office I went to you had to see all the doctors there which were 6 or 7. I asked 3 of them what their opinion was for a VBAC and One doctor said that I can try there is a chance that I will need a c-section though after trying again, But there are women who have successful VBAC. Then another said that I wouldn't be able to push a baby bigger then 5lbs out. And then the last said since I was in labor and did the pushing and all that my chances of having a successful VBAC was less then 50% because my pelvic bone was too small. Needless to say I had another c-section.

I would definitely ask your docotor why he is pushing so hard for you to have a c-section. Find out the reasons why you had to have one the first time as well. Then if you are still not happy with his answer go and get a second opinion or a third.

Having a c-section the second time isn't so bad. You get to schedule it and have everything planned. If you are like me though and still want to go into labor then maybe you will go early like I did. My son came 2 days before my sceduled c-section and I was happy because I got to go into labor and feel like I actually had the baby. I Know I will get remarks from that but that is how I felt. I still feel that way so if I decide to have a third I will probably hope for the same thing. Instead of sitting in the hospital bed in labor for a while I ended up getting taken back to the OR for my c-section within an hour or so after I got there. So that part was nice. I was still up all night but since I knew what to expect I still got to relax before they brought my son to me.

Good Luck.
Reply:VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section) can be done for some women. However, some factors may make a VBAC dangerous (incision type, reason for having c-section in the first place, how recently you had your previous child, etc.)

Your doctor's opinion on this is going to be much better than what you can find on here. In some cases, yes VBACs are possible. But not in all. If you question your doctor's choice, I'd seek a 2nd opinion with another doctor or have your current doctor better explain his/her reason.

When I had my c-section with my daughter, I asked while I was still cut open on the operating table if a VBAC would be an option for my next pregnancy. My doctor flat out told me that there was no way I could naturally have a child unless they were several months pre-mature, which we wouldn't want... my pelvic bones are too small and are angled incorrectly. So in my case, there's a good reason. There may be in your case as well.
Reply:no...when you have a vaginal delivery after a c-section it's called a vbac (vaginal birth after cesarean). there are more risks like your doc said, your old incision on your uterus might tear, but if you strongly want to you can try vaginally. he can't make you have a c-section until it's an emergency, but he is trying to do what's best for you and the baby. try this:

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