Thursday, July 30, 2009

C-section problems?

I had a c-setion for my delivery..Never made it to the Pushing or Nothing like that.. i ended up getting admited to the hospital cuz they said i had high blood pressure and they diagnosed me with preaclamsia...(have no idea how to spell it) which after the doctor vist i had they could never find high blood pressure after the next day my doctor broke my water and i was in labor for 15 hrs....with in that 15hrs i never dialated at all..they had me on potossin and just kept highering the dose... never they woke me up cuz i had a local and told me that i had to have a epideral a hafe hour later i was in the c-section room..they never told me how much the baby weight..ect...didnt get to c her until i was total done and back in the room. after all that i ended up having to stay in the hospital for and extra week cuz i ended up getting a infection..Infection from what i have no idea....My question is...Is it common and what were your experinces with a c-section.....

C-section problems?
The infection could have been from the stitches, staples, or glue what ever the used on you. My friend did it naturally but got an infection from the stitching when she tore down below. I didn't get to see my baby until I was done because I was knocked out for my c-section. They probably kept you longer because of the infection and since you were rushed back there, was because you didn't see you baby.
Reply:When I had my first c-section, my water broke but my contractions never started. Pictosin when they put me on it, brought the baby's heart rate down. After 24 hours of this, they did my c-section. I went home 3 days later. I did not have any problems with infection. In fact, I had an easier time with healing and getting around than my sister in law did and she had hers naturally. I did not get to see my daughter until I finally flipped out and said I would go find her if they didn't bring her to me. The nurses are so busy, usually the one that yells loudest, gets the attention. Talk to your doctor and find out where the infection came from. Also, question the pictosin. Normally, it will have some effect. You just had a bad experience.
Reply:The induction problems are probably very common, but the whole mess they put you through for the c section...not that Ive heard. And the infection is uncommon.
Reply:Wow sounds like an ordeal.

I had a section with our daughter. Very routine.

Minimal pain. Healed quickly.
Reply:Sounds almost like what I went through. Labour started at 2 am and we got to the hospital at 3 am. 4 hours later they said I was only 1 cm dilated and that it was braxton. I freaked because if the contractions were any stronger I was going to die. They also told me I was having back labour because every contraction was followed by back spasms. They wanted to send me home. By this time my Doctor's office was open so we went there. She realized my uterus was tipped and that I was 3 cm dilated, no plug and that the back pain was not labour but real spasms triggered by the labour so she sent me back to the hospital. Also she informed me that the contractions I had been having for the last 4 days at 20 minutes apart weren't BH and I should have called her. Turns out I wasn't feeling every contraction.

At around 11 am she came in and broke my waters and started me on the pitocin, however the more they gave me the slower my contractions came so that ended about an hour later. At 2 they attempted to give me an epidural, took 5 tries before they got one that sort of worked, it was some relief at least and I got some sleep. At 5:30 the doctor came back, I was still at 3 and now the babies heart beat was dropping too far with each contraction so off to the operating room we went. Babies heart rate must have really dropped right before we went in because I vaguely remember an extreme sense of urgency and the fact that no curtain went up, my glasses and socks were left on and hubby just got pushed out the door, not sent to the waiting room.

Turns out one of the reasons why I had such a difficult labour and hadn't felt the contractions like I should have is that baby was standing up inside of me with one foot on each hip joint and his head buried behind my rib cage. That's what had pulled my uterus out of it's normal position and why the muscle contractions weren't felt by me. Since he wouldn't or couldn't turn or pull his legs together to be breech, plus me never getting past 3 cm dilated, natural childbirth would have probably killed both of us a century ago.

For the actual c-section, the spinal block didn't reach low enough and when she went to cut me I could feel the pain of her slicing me. I went night night after that and woke up about an hour later and spent another hour in the recovery room. The nurses there were nice enough to call and get me some information about the baby and reassure me that he was fine. The birth trauma though caused him to have an APGAR score of 5 at first but it was up to 10 by 10 minutes. I didn't get to hold my son until I was moved to the L%26amp;D ward and then 3 hours later they took him to the nursery because they couldn't leave him with me as I was still groggy from the meds and they needed to make sure he didn't choke on the mucus in his lungs. They did bring him back a couple times to feed but they had problems waking me up so finally they stopped and gave him formula. Not what I wanted but better than him starving.

Then he needed more milk than what I could produce as well as being tongue tied so he didn't latch well. We wound up supplementing with formula because I never want to hear that kind of cry coming from my son ever again!

I didn't get an infection but my staples didn't hold very well. I popped 4 of them before leaving the hospital 3 days later and went home held together with steri-strips. When the doctor went to take my staples out 8 days later I had just started to close from the inside out instead of top down like you are supposed to. I was put on almost bed rest for the next two weeks to let it heal. That sucked!

I also had an epidural headache for 6 days. The only way I felt better was to get up and move around but I was supposed to be laying down resting. It was a catch 22 situation that didn't help me to heal. Then life also threw a curve ball and just as the headache went away, my father in law passed away. We knew he was ill and had been hanging on just to see the baby but you are still never ready to lose someone. Bed rest went out the window again as hubby was gone arranging funeral and tying up the last details so I was alone with the baby again.

What did I learn? Ask for help! Accept it when offered! Since I will likely have to do a c-section for the next delivery as well (turns out I have damage to pelvic and spine I was unaware of due to a motorcycle accident many years ago) I will be better prepared. I will have someone to spend a week or so with me and then get in a teenager as a mother's helper during the day for the next few weeks. Hopefully hubby won't be working steady nights anymore either. I slept on the couch for the first 4 weeks because I could roll off of it easier than I could the bed.

Even though a lot of my first experiences sucked, I have a beautiful 6 week old baby boy and I am feeling human again. The incision has almost healed, the baby is healthy and hubby managed to work his schedule to get 7 days off in a row so things are getting much easier. Although if I hear Braham's lullaby too many more times I will not be held responsible for the mobile you may see flying past your window (and I'm in Canada LOL).
Reply:With my first child, I had a C-section. I had high blood pressure and the doctor admitted to the hospital after my dr.'s appt. I was in the hospital for 10 hrs before they induced labor. I was in labor for 15 hrs and never felt the urge to push. finally, at 2 am, the dr said that I had to have a C-section because my baby was in trouble. I was awake for the surgery. They showed me my baby and then I was whisked away to recovery for over 1 hr. I saw my child again later, and I had to ask to see her. I had to stay in the hospital for 4 days because I was still having some medical problems. So, I understand what you went through. But thank goodness you're alright.
Reply:well, it sounds like you had a bad experience. If you were not dialating then they did right. But they didn't inform you very well of what was going on and was not very nice as for you were having your first baby. So, you can't chance anything now but when you go to have another one if you do, make sure they know what happened the first time and you want that to never happen again. good luck and wish you the best


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