Friday, July 31, 2009

Can Vitamin C really help treat tumors in goats?

I read somewhere online that if a goat has a tumor that vitamin c can help get rid of it. I know goats make their own vitamin c, but can you get rid of a tumor by giving them vitamin C pills? We have a pygmy goat that we bought at an auction because it has a tumor on its face. We already called the vet and she checked her over. There's really nothing we can do until it starts to bother her (she's an older goat). If vitamin C works does anyone know what dosage to give her- I don't think you can't overdose on Vitamin C, I just want to know what dosage to give her if it works. Otherwise we are probably going to have to wait until it does bug her and then put her down- I don't want to wait that long, i don't want her to suffer. Like I said before it's not bugging her now, but I don't want to wait until it does to do something about it. We would have her put down now but she isn't in any pain, she just has a bump on her face. Thanks

Can Vitamin C really help treat tumors in goats?
Goats, like almost all animals, make their own vitamin C. An adult goat will manufacture more than 13,000 mg of vitamin C per day in normal health and levels manyfold higher when faced with stress.
Reply:I've owned goats for more than 25 years and have never heard of using Vit. C to treat tumors.

Does she really have a tumor or is it an abcess?

Just enjoy her until you have to put her down.

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