Saturday, May 22, 2010

C-section mommies I've got a question for you...?

I'd like to get some feedback from mom's who have had scheduled c-sections or have ones planned soon. Does the doctor usually schedule your c-section before you are actually due or on your due date?

I went into labor at 37.6 weeks with my first baby (delivered vaginally) but because of problems and with this pregnancy I have to deliver via c-section. Do you think the doc will schedule it for when I hit 38 weeks? Tell me when you are/were due and when the c-section is/was scheduled so I can have a good idea as to how soon I can expect to have mine.

C-section mommies I've got a question for you...?
this will be my 2nd c-section

1st was emergency (now i cant deliver vaginally long story lol.)

2nd is planned my due date was aug 11th but my planned c-section date is aug 6th.

they do it as close to the due date as possible in the 39th week UNLESS u have to go in early for leakage or contractions/labor.

good luck and congrads:)
Reply:i was due june 12 but had my c-section on the 5th. we knew my daughter was breech early on but even before i hit the 38 week he didn't want to schedule it for then but for week 39. and from my understanding that is generally the preferred time for scheduling. you can ask to be scheduled at 38 weeks but its up to your doctor and whatever hospital policies are.
Reply:They usually schedule them early, which can lead to your baby being premature and having to be in the NICU. Please, please join the ICAN-online Yahoo group and ask the ladies there what they think about your case. The group is full of midwives, caesarean moms and others who are a wealth of knowledge and experience on caesareans, VBACs, and other related topics.

20% of live births in the U.S. are born by UNNECESSARY caesarean. You may not have to go through this surgery. Not knowing all the details of your pregnancy, I can't say for sure, but I highly recommend doing more research and getting other opinions from other providers, including midwives and other obstetricians.

It is better for your baby if you do NOT schedule the caesarean but wait until you go into labor. Any amount of labor is usually good for the baby, and will make it much less likely that the baby will be premature.

Please visit the Yahoo group and tell your story there to get advice, and get other opinions. Depending on your problems with this pregnancy, you will have different options and different choices, not all of which may be told to you by your doctor. Make sure you are as educated as you possibly can be so you feel good about the decisions you make.

The last thing you want is to second-guess yourself when you reseach after the fact. So many caesareans are unnecessary. It would be horrible to put yourself and your baby at unnecessary risk if you are better off waiting or foregoing the surgery altogether.

Good luck.
Reply:My cousin, who is due October 1, has to have a C-section because she has problems with her placenta. Her doctor has her C-section scheduled for September 27. It really depends on the doctor though.
Reply:i had to have a c section with my twins and because of this i have to have a c section with this baby (i am NOT happy about this)

anyway i was told they would do the c section at 38 1/2 weeks. problem is i have never hit a due date yet, they get earlier every time! (three pregnancies) so my doctor said to call if i think i am in early labor and they will do the c section earlier.
Reply:I had my c-section at 42 weeks, my son would not drop into position. I was induced twice with only one contraction occuring because of it. They sent to a bigger hospital to be induced again, but found out my son was over 10 lbs through ultrasound. Because of the risks to my son i decided on a c-section. It was scheduled for that evening, but was delayed twice because of emergency c-sections having to be done on other women. So finally at 11:28pm i gave birth via c-section to my 10 lbs 10.5 oz baby boy.

I had my son on 5/5/95 and was due two weeks prior.
Reply:Im in the uk and my 3rd baby is due on 17th August and i have just been booked in this week for my c section on 9th August, they usually do them at 39 weeks.

I had an emergency c section with my 1st and my 2nd child stopped growing at 33 weeks so had to have another c section, in which they cut my womb 2 times so this time i have no choice but to go 4 a 3rd section.

I might have to have my section date moved though as this baby is growing large but theyre provisonally booked me!

Good luck with the baby
Reply:I had a c-section that wasn't scheduled, but a friend of mine who had her 2nd c-section scheduled had her's about 2 weeks before the actual due date. Can't say your doctor will schedule the exact same but that's what happened with her. Your doc may schedule around his/her own availability and that of preferred staff, too, so keep that in mind.

Best of luck with it!
Reply:I was induced at 38 weeks because I had a blood clot in the 27 week. They wanted the birth to be controled for that reason. I ended up having a c-section because my daughter's head was to big for me. I have no idea what your doctor will do with you, but I thnk most doctors are pretty comfortable with inducing or planning a c-section after the 38 week.

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