Sunday, August 2, 2009

Difference between c, c++ & c+++?

what is the difference between c, c++ %26amp; c+++?

thank's in advance...

Difference between c, c++ %26amp; c+++?
C = an older, procedural programming language

C++ = a newer, Object-Oriented language

C+++ = a typo for C++ :-)

Almost everything you can do with C you can also do with C++. A C++ compiler can usually also compile and understand C programs, causing misconception by a lot of people that C++ is very similar to C, which is totally incorrect.

I've seen many resumes / CV's where people put C and C++ together as 'C / C++' (looks familiar?) in their skills list, and 99% of the time these people actually write C programs with a C++ editor and compiler. And if someone tells you: 'If you can program in C++, you can also program in C' or vice versa, you can be certain that this person is an expert in neither. The truth is, C++ is not similar to C more than it is similar to, say, Java or C#.

C++, being object oriented, is marginally slower compared to C, but the code is easier to design and maintain.
Reply:c is the original. it is touted for its ability in low level programming. (hardware level)

c++ is the offshoot. mainly used for object oriented programming. considered a higher level language than c.

c# (sea sharpe). based on c++. used for .netcentric programming.

good luck!
Reply:There's no such thing as c+++. At least I never heard of it. I have heard of B, C, C++, C#, D, and F#. Gee, aren't programmers creative. Ok, C was originally developed by Mr. Ritchie at Bell Labs for programming the UNIX operating system and applications. It is a structured based programming language consisting of mostly symbols and contains only functions. It supports the use pointers and structures. C++ is a superset of C, which means everything you can do in C, you can do in C++. C++ also add additional functionality and improvements, such as support for object-oriented programming through the use of classes supporting mulitiple inheritance.

1 comment:

  1. Difference between c and c++

    The main difference between C and C++ is, C is the procedure oriented language and C++ is the object oriented language.
